Pont Croix
History of Combat Des Trente
Histoire du
Combat Des Trente
The "Combat Des Trente" is a remarkable and singular event in the history of Brittany. This duel took place between the garrisons of Josselin and Ploërmel in March 26, 1351. The site bcd.bzh/becedia/fr relates this fact very precisely.
You will find the list of Breton and English fighters below as well as the coats of arms associated with them.
Thank you to the infobretagne.com site for this list.

We will quickly offer you a more complete summary in French, English and Breton. 

"Combat Des Trente"

Cahier des charges
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Pont Croix 1358
History of Combat Des Trente
Breton Knights
Breton Squires
English Fighters